This website is a record of what was said about Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, an architecture exhibition co-curated by The Buell Center at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, from April 2011 through August 2012.
Preface: How We Talk about…
Reinhold Martin
How do we talk about architecture? Housing? Cities? Culture? Politics? As the evidence collected here testifies, Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, an exhibition that ran at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York from 15 February–13 August 2012, and was co-organized by MoMA architecture curator Barry Bergdoll and myself, offered an occasion for many people to talk about many things. Or, I should say, to write about many things, since that is what is collected here: bits and pieces of text written by a wide variety of individuals about and around the exhibition and its premise.
These comments testify to how we talk about, write about, and otherwise debate culture and politics, aesthetics and economics, design and policy. They also demonstrate, tacitly, what we do not allow ourselves to discuss, what we conveniently ignore, forget, or otherwise remove from the table. The comments were compiled by the Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture at Columbia University, a research institution that had provided a “script,” The Buell Hypothesis, to be interpreted by the five architect-led teams who designed new housing for five different American suburbs for the exhibition at MoMA. Details on the script, the design teams, the process, the public workshops, and the exhibition are available in the catalogue, Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream (Museum of Modern Art, 2012). The material collected here differs from that in the catalogue, insofar as here we record what others—not the curators, not the participants, but members of different publics—had to say about the show and the issues it addressed.
We initially compiled this material, which runs from printed articles to blogs to reader comments to tweets, as a record by which to gauge our efforts. The goal of The Buell Hypothesis and of the exhibition was, from our point of view, to “change the conversation” about housing and suburbanization in the United States in the context of the ongoing financial crisis. More specifically, it was to put the question of public or social housing on the table in a new way, with the help of concrete architectural proposals.
As a result, we had before us a controversial and widely reviewed exhibition that we had co-organized and therefore knew intimately. Through the course of the exhibition’s run, links and references to critical reactions came in on what often seemed a daily basis. During the same period, we organized a number of follow-up events and discussions, together with MoMA and separately, as did others. So we also had before us a unique dataset of public reactions to a cultural event that touched on some of the most sensitive issues of the day. Chronologically, one might observe in these reactions a rough, uneven swing from uncritical enthusiasm to (sometimes) righteous skepticism to—gradually—deeper reflection, though I must admit that I remain personally unsatisfied about the limited extent of the latter, presumptuous as that may be.
Mirroring the contours of official discourse in the United States, the exhibition was celebrated in The Nation and attacked on the Fox Business Network. Nevertheless, our ultimate purpose here is not to measure public reaction, pro or con, and thereby accede to the metrics that dominate cultural and political discourse alike. Rather, it is to hold up a magnifying glass to the public sphere itself. It is to inquire into what can and cannot be discussed in public, in a variety of arenas and by a variety of stakeholders, around a subject that carries undeniable urgency and yet, is usually framed in an extraordinarily narrow and instrumental manner. If the material interests you, I therefore urge you also to note the silences, institutional and otherwise, that show boldly through the debate. And to ask: What is being assumed here? By whom? And for what historical reasons?
Other than organizing the material according to thematic categories, we have refrained from interpreting the data. Instead, we offer it to you to reflect and perhaps comment upon further. In the exhibition catalogue I noted that the overall project was conceived under the distant sign of Enlightenment, which the philosopher Immanuel Kant described long ago as “mankind’s exit from its self-incurred immaturity.” Based on the evidence here and on much else, my own provisional conclusion is that the conversation around housing in the United States, especially in the suburbs—“ground zero” of the financial crisis—is not, for the most part, enlightened. On the contrary, it is arguably quite “immature.” Changing it requires changing the common sense around which public debates are structured. But perhaps as you peruse these assembled comments, shouts and murmurs from interested parties big and small, you might join me in discerning glimmers of hope, traces of profound thought and of profound commitment that force their way onto the page or onto the screen. It is to these traces that this document is dedicated, with gratitude to all who have helped make them visible along the way.
Introduction: For the Record
Leah Meisterlin
With this collection of material, the Buell Center has compiled an archive, a snapshot of discussion and debate on topics close to home for most Americans. As Reinhold Martin notes, this compilation is largely rooted in the Center’s need to investigate the results of its attempt to “change the conversation” about housing. As such, we who have compiled and edited the contents have come to understand this project of culling and categorizing as one of data collection. To downplay our own biases, we have aimed to minimize editorial voice. After all, given our involvement in the exhibition that sparked this conversation, as well as the nature of the discussion itself, it is difficult—if not impossible—to argue that these issues are not close to home for us as well.
Fundamentally, the project seemed simple: The Buell Center sought to compile and present the conversation surrounding the Foreclosed exhibition and the workshops that led to it. We culled essays, reviews, interviews, and weblog posts as well as tweets, photographs, videos, and comments from the viewing and reading public. The content ranged from multipage art-world reviews of the exhibition to broader essays and broadcasts on the American economy that mentioned the show. We collected everything we could locate that was published or circulated between the announcement of the project in April 2011 through the week following the show’s closing in mid-August 2012.
Very early on, two questions emerged with implications for our attempt to avoid editorializing. The first was quite simple as we took stock of the sheer volume of material: What to include? Or rather, if necessary, what to exclude? The second question was considerably less straightforward as we pored through thousands of comments in response to hundreds of articles and began to see just how many conversations were taking place: How can we even begin to catalogue, organize, and ultimately make sense of and learn from “how we talk about” a given issue when that seemingly singular issue comprises most facets of American life?
The Buell Center’s approach to these two questions has shaped this collected dataset. Thus, some description of our decisions—the dataset’s “metadata”—is in order.
The comments and conversations are presented here in strict chronology. They constitute far more than a representative sample, but also far less than an exhaustive collection. Because the “official” perspectives of the exhibition (including those of the Museum of Modern Art, the Buell Center, the curators, and the architect-led teams) are compiled in the exhibition catalogue and on the Museum’s website, we have largely opted to highlight the reviews, responses, and reactions to the show and the conversations that took place beyond these “official” venues. As a result, many of the blog posts published on the Museum’s website during the workshop phase have been omitted, as have most of the Museum’s tweets. Likewise, many published mentions of the exhibition containing only reprinted language from MoMA press releases have not been included.
However, the goal of focusing on the wider conversation is balanced by the need to properly frame that conversation relative to the exhibition. Thus, particularly in the early portions of the timeline, a small handful of descriptive articles and framing blog posts has been included to supply that context. Additionally, essays featured on the MoMA/PS1 blog after the conclusion of the workshop phase appear within this collection, since they include reflections by collaborators and team members and thereby bring individual voices into the discussion. In the spirit of full disclosure, it should also be said that Martin and I have each entered the public discussion at different points. Our respective essays are therefore included here: Martin’s appears within an essay-format roundtable discussion, and mine as lessons from the project based on early reactions to the show.
Further, a considerable amount of material included in this archive has been quoted or cited as well as reprinted, reposted, and retweeted. In these instances, care has been taken to indicate which articles have traveled to the far reaches of the Internet without necessarily including each appearance made by a given text. For example, where new reader comments are posted to reprinted text, those comments are presented with the original article, as are direct comments made via Twitter.
The follow-up task of organizing and excerpting the material took its cue from classification techniques used in quantitative research methods. We looked at the compiled dataset in search of its inherent “natural breaks.” Rather than asserting an arbitrary classification system or one that would be too heavily embedded with our own assumptions, we combed through the material, taking note of the topics of discussion, aiming to let the dataset speak for and classify itself. Through the process, related topics were grouped together, as were divergent opinions on similar issues. In the end, we assembled thirty-three distinct topics of conversation woven through the discourse. These topics are applied as tags for each excerpt, comment, or tweet in this volume and summarized in its index.
The conversation topics are purposefully nonpartisan. In other words, excerpts or comments with the same tag may contain arguments and opinions either for or against a specific issue. Some topics are purely binary: Comments that veer into political name-calling, for example, generally fall into the category “Liberal versus Conservative.” Others are rather broad, made up of several perspectives centered around a common theme. For example, the label “Homeownership” is applied to a range of comments discussing the comparative values of homeownership and renting, the financial mechanisms involved in and structural barriers to owning a home, opinions on the mortgage industry or the alternative ownership models presented in the exhibition, and so on. A few topics are the result of conversational dynamics enabled by the online forum itself. For example, “Internet Banter” is used to indicate instances where commenters engage in a back-and-forth—sometimes maintaining the topic of conversation, sometimes simply complimenting an article’s author for a well-written piece, and sometimes devolving into heated insult-laden exchanges.
What we have hoped to compile—for our own reflection and research and for any interested reader—is an archive that allows us to trace the many circuitous threads of a conversation and begin to untangle how we talk about these very contentious, personal, and public issues. These threads constitute an almost topological web or network of public discourse, with some topics converging repeatedly and others being discussed together only within certain contexts. One hope is that this archive may serve as a suitable dataset for investigating these patterns (e.g., in what contexts does housing affordability get linked to transportation infrastructure and access to jobs?). Toward this end the project’s online incarnation features robust sort and search functions to aid a reader in navigating the paths of discussion.
To reiterate: The Buell Center has decidedly refrained from drawing conclusions from any preliminary analysis of the data. There are, of course, many reasons for this, but one in particular is worthy of note: recognition of the act of deliberation. How we talk about our culture and its many related dimensions, values, and their implications is inextricably bound to the production of that culture. This compilation includes several conversations that, upon cursory glance, resemble deliberative processes. We offer this collection with some hope that its contents may be further deliberated, discussed, and debated while the conversation continues.
Foreclosed is announced on 25 April 2011.
MoMA Design Program to Promote Rethinking of Housing in Light of Foreclosure Crisis
Foreclosure Crisis Sparks Project on “Rehousing the American Dream”
The Suburbs are OK

MoMA- Foreclosed “will enlist five interdisciplinary teams of architects to envision a rethinking of housing,”

Join us Saturday May 7, 2:00-6:00pm for Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream Symposium

Join us Saturday May 7, 2:00-6:00pm for Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream Symposium

Board Prez Michael Sorkin will participate in the symposium #Foreclosed: Re-housing the #AmericanDreamat MoMA this Sat.:
Suburbia: What a Concept

If you can't make it to Streetfest tomorrow, check in on the Foreclosed symposium at MoMA PS1

Can art help fix our gridlocked suburban dysfunction? MOMA takes on sprawl w/"Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream"
Architect in the Middle
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream

@studiogang, MOS, @Workac—what a group! RT @MoMAPS1: Meet the five interdisciplinary teams at MoMA PS1's "Foreclosed."

Meet the teams of "Foreclosed" at @MoMAPS1. Learn about the project & interact with the architects on Sat, 6/18 4-6:30pm.

MoMA | Foreclosed Open Studios Meet the five interdisciplinary teams at the first opportunity for the public to...

Saturday is the first public viewing of architect-in-residence studios @MoMAPS1for the MoMA Foreclosed project.

MoMA: "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream"; Learn about project, view progress + interact with architects:
Foreclosed: Visit the Teams for Open Studios
Foreclosed: Rewriting the Script
Foreclosed: Between Crisis, Possibility and Revision

Foreclosed : Narratives, Typologies, and Property: The five multidisciplinary teams working on projects for the ...

Foreclosed : Narratives, Typologies, and Property

Foreclosed : Narratives, Typologies, and Property: The five multidisciplinary teams working on projects for the ...

New MoMA project my sister is working on. Looks at architectural options for US cities in recent foreclosure crisis.
Are Museums America’s Last Hope for Civil Discourse?
Glen Lowry, Director of the Museum of Modern Art in It’s Not Just a Museum, It’s a Think Tank.

Foreclosed: Title and Model Scenarios

Foreclosed: Title and Model Scenarios: The five multidisciplinary teams working on projects for the exhibition F...

MoMA | Foreclosed: Title and Model Scenarios

Interesting study of changing populations & housing needs RT @MuseumModernArtForeclosed: Rehousing the American Dream

Foreclosed: The Halfway Mark: The five multidisciplinary teams working on projects for the exhibition Foreclosed...

"we believe to operate as avant-hyper-self-conscious architects." #MOS …

Halfway done w/ the workshop phase of @MuseumModernArt's Foreclosed exhibition! Find out what we've been up to:

Foreclosed: Constructing an Exhibition Narrative: The five multidisciplinary teams working on projects for the e...

Foreclosed: Constructing an Exhibition Narrative

MoMA 4ur Mind from NY>> Foreclosed: Constructing an Exhibition Narrative

MoMA: "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" teams begin conceptualizing/constructing their exhibition displays:

MoMA | Foreclosed: Constructing an Exhibition Narrative < deep

Foreclosed: Visualizing the Invisible

Foreclosed: Visualizing the Invisible: The five multidisciplinary teams working on projects for the exhibition F...

Foreclosed: Visualizing the Invisible
Dispatches from the Changing American Dream: Expanding the National Conversation

Foreclosed: Five Weeks to Go: The multidisciplinary teams working on projects for the exhibition Foreclosed: Reh...

D&B commentator Barry Bergdoll curates "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" at the MoMA.
Reimagining the American Dream
It’s Not Just a Museum, It’s a Think Tank

My MoMA "Foreclosed" teammate. RT @ccoletta@Ra_Joy: Fire Hose Art Brings Fame to Hot Urban Recycler Theaster Gates
Foreclosed: Prioritizing Project Elements

Counting down to PST.... One of the most intriguing large-scale exhibs...

MoMA 4ur Mind from NY>> Foreclosed: Two Weeks Left …

MoMA | Foreclosed: Two Weeks Left…
The Art of Advocacy: The Museum as Design Laboratory

U.S. Sec. of Housing Shaun Donovan speaks at the last “Foreclosed” open house, Sat. @MoMAPS1. Info & livestream:

U.S. Sec. of Housing Shaun Donovan speaks at the last “Foreclosed” open house, Sat. @MoMAPS1. Info & livestream: …@MoMAPS1Foreclosed Open Studios

Shaun Donovan's #foreclosedkeynote address live at: …. 4pm at @MoMAPS1#Buell …@MoMAPS1Foreclosed Open Studios

Secretário da Hab. e Desenvolvimento Urbano dos EUA no MoMA: os desafios da arquitetura americana em era dos foreclosed

I am enjoying this @museummodernartlivestream of FORECLOSED keynote address: …
MoMA Project Starts Rebuilding the American Dream, Starting in Orange
Update: Foreclose: Rehousing the American Dream / MoMA
Arts and the Quality of Place
"Foreclosed" Open Studio at PS1
HONORABLE INTENTIONS: Why are art institutions dabbling in city planning?
Foreclosed: Close of the Workshop Phase

At the #CIWArchtalk, Jeanne Gang talked about her Studio's contribution to MoMA's Foreclosed exhibit - #ciw11#cicero

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream - definitely going to check this out. …

To Jeanne Gang's Cicero project in that she envisions the buildings as multi-use "kits" that can be used in anywhere
Orange NJ: A Model for the Future. MoMA joins local nonprofit HANDS in recognizing a bright future
Civic Action and Long Island City: Foreclosed, Suburbia, and the American Dream
Broken Homes
Foreclosed: MoMA Takes on Suburbia
Cultural Outlets

Foreclosed Open House: Studio Gang at #sckr
Foreclosure and the question of how form follows finance
Foreclosed: Buying into the 'American Dream'

MOMA: Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream: February 15–July 30, 2012
Foreclosed: Thoughts on Cicero and Collaboration with Jeanne Gang
Video: Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream / WORKac

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at MOMA: exploration of new possibilities in aftermath of foreclosure crisis
Foreclosed: Reverse Engineering

Heartbreaking story on foreclosed homes on #60Minutes. #MoMAenlisting arch. teams to find solutions in 5 U.S. regions.

RT @MargaretNYC: ...#MoMAenlisting arch. teams to find solutions in 5 U.S. regions.
Times are changing in the early ‘all-alike’ suburb Levittown
Foreclosed: The Role of the Team in the Design Process
Rewilding and the Musuem of Modern Art – Really!

MoMA| Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream This foreclosure mess might be the catalyst for rethinking our cities.
MoMA Foreclosed
Inviting Consultants to the Design Table
This Week's Jumble -- Jan 30, 2012
The CRIT: Thoughts on MoMA's Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream
MoMA Rethinks Architectural Possibilities around Foreclosures
Museum Of Modern Art Offers Exhibit On Foreclosure
Suburban Density in Cicero – The Importance of Small Affordable Housing Units in Chicagoland
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream Proposes Infrastructure Change for American Cities and Suburbs
Foreclosed Homes Breathe Inspiration into Architects
Designing a Fix for Housing

MoMA Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream inventive #designsolutions, future of US #suburbs#architecture#4futr
Can This Suburb Be Saved?
A Blueprint for a New American Dream; Will Architect Jeanne Gang's Ideas for Cicero Work in the Real World?
‘Foreclosed’ Reopens the American Dream
New Exhibit at MoMA Highlights Reimagined Suburbs moma Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream Feb 15–July 30 2012 @joshstackand more
Foreclosed opens at the Museum of Modern Art on 14 February 2012.
Housing and the 99 Percent

WORKac’s Nature-City will be unveiled today in the MoMA exhibition Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream.
Beautiful Disaster
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream
(Sub)urban Realities
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream
MoMA’s New Exhibit Scrutinizes the Suburbs
A Radical Approach to Homeownership
The American Dream, Revised
MoMA Misses by 99%
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream
Jeanne Gang’s Proposal Transforms Chicago’s Rundown Cicero Into a Thriving Neighborhood
New MoMA Exhibit “Foreclosed” Reimagines Suburban Life
Housing Crash at MoMA
Architects Reimagine the American Suburb for MoMA’s ‘Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream’ Exhibit
Jeanne Gang’s Proposal to Transform Chicago’s Rundown Cicero into a Thriving Neighborhood

Streaming at noon: "Public Dreams & Private Needs." Teams share projects in "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream."

The topic of discussion: "nature," "town & country" and the suburb is neither. #foreclosed

Up now: Jeanne Gang, presenting our project, "The Garden in the Machine" and telling the story of Cicero,. #foreclosed

Up now: Jeanne Gang, presenting our project, "The Garden in the Machine" and telling the story of Cicero,. #foreclosed

Our exhibition site "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" (show open through July 30) has launched:

Get a glimpse of the future of #housingat "Foreclosed," new exhibit @MuseumModernArt …

@Moma's take on walkable cities. View the various projects @OPinDC@DDOTDC …

What do you think? RT @edestesdesign: @Moma's take on walkable cities. View the various projects @OPinDC@DDOTDC …

So, the “Foreclosed” show at MoMA is not really about foreclosures. Not is it any “good”. Give it a miss. #AAG2012…
Suburban Renewal at the Museum of Modern Art
Has “Design” Become an Activity of, by, and for the 1%?
Rehousing the American Dream

Great Cicero designs …MoMa's Foreclosed exhibit also re-imagines Kezier, Rialto, Temple Terrace & The Oranges.

Rather Utopian approaches to reconfiguring US suburbs. …Not sure people would actually want to live in these...

What do you think about a bit different neighborhood ? ... …
Sympathy for the Suburbs
MoMA’s ‘Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream’ Exhibit.
Reassembling the American Dream
Breakfast Links: Phones
Lena Beug at MoMA
Questioning the Value of an Outsider’s Perspective in MoMA’s “Foreclosed”

MOMA exhibit examining foreclosures in Orange and discussing the redesign of its housing and supporting infrastructure…
Foreclosed: Architecture Center Reimagines Suburbia after Housing Crisis
Foreclosed Forum: Suburbs, Cities, and Crisis

Important new show @MuseumModernArt- "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" - architecture during crisis

Rewriting the rules of urban repair, MOS imagines an unconventional solution: …

hey @WiedenKennedydon't worry that you're taking money from polluters like chevrolet as long as you do hipster art

Buell Hypothesis: examining cultural assumptions of the American Dream in the context of foreclosures & sprawl #cplan
The Museum of Modern Art Tackles the Foreclosure Crisis

Would love to live in Nature City. @Workac

The Buell Hypothesis, at its most basic, argues as follows: Change the dream and you change the city #placemaking

This exhibit at the MOMA on re conceptualizing housing and suburbs in the wake of the foreclosure crisis is incredible …
Architecture Brings New Life to Foreclosure Crisis

Foreclosed at Imagining new housing models in wake of crisis. Seen on #UP#creativity#innovation

MOMA maps new routes through the mortgage-foreclosure crisis
Art+Architecture: Fact and Fiction in The Buell Hypothesis
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at MoMA

Yesterday @MuseumModernArtand visited #BuellHypothesis. Great analysis. Yet, what about the projects? …
Architects Re-imagine the Foreclosured Cities
Re-Imagining American Suburbs
Gary Gibson, Minneapolis, Minnesota... Building in the streets...
Suburbs, Jetson style: MoMA Remaps America [SLIDESHOW]
What’s On: Foreclosed at the MoMA

@MuseumModernArt"Foreclosed" exhibition challenged designers to reexamine the American Dream. See what changed.
Moma: Foreclosure Exhibit | Part 1

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream | If you are visiting New York, you should see this great exhibit at the MoMA: …

I'm now saving for a trip to NYC | Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at

Can I live here? Keizer, ORE. at
Dreaming American
Thoughts on MoMA’s Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream
Rehousing the American Dream at MoMA
Dream Deferred
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream
Activist Exhibitions Overcome Display Difficulties …Watch the video to understand the concept. #yestermorrow
Suburban Design: Pomp and Paternalism
Does your Suburb look like THIS?

@MOMAtoday for Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream...suburban retrofitting after the crisis
Living with Nature in the Post-Suburbs
The New American Dream: Stunning Designs for the Suburbs of the Future

can't wait to check this out next week: Foreclosed at

One truly impressive effort @ MOMA's #Foreclosed. Studio Gang's design. East test: would I live there? Yep.

Architects, planners, ecologists, engineers, and landscape designers rethink suburbia at the moma.. looks cool. …
Art world does makeover of the American Dream

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream is an exploration of new architectural possibilities for cities and...
Look at your Neighborhood
An Artistic Revision of the American Dream
Nature-City: Suburban Housing for Agrarians at Heart

@We_Live_GreenHere's the Cicero, Il. plan. Fascinating. not sure i understand it all. …
Dreaming of Home

checking out the inspiring work at Foreclosed - @MuseumModernArtloved the nature-city from @WORKac#GeoDesign
Can Designers Fix America's Suburban Foreclosure Problems?
Hissing about Suburban Lawns

"Foreclosed" (at MOMA): Art museums can do serious political/economic/technology shows - why can't history museums??
Small Town, U.S.A
Shifting Suburbia
A View from Temple Terrace

Open Access study: The Buell Hypothesis responds to the ongoing mortgage foreclosure crisis, not with narrow .. …

'Change the dream & you change the city' - food for thought at 'Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream' exhibit, MoMA
Foreclosed Homeowners Inspire Museum’s Architects Show
Reimagining Temple Terrace’s Look and Financial Future in a Post-Housing Bubble Economy
Recap: What is Foreclosed?
Financing Suburban Architecture

The Buell Hypothesis: "Change the dream and you change the city." Food for thought #architecture#change …
Banks to Pay $25 Million to NY State over Mortgage System
What Mumbai and Beijing Can Learn from New York
Who is Going to Pay for Those Architect-Designed Plans for the Suburbs?

Reflecting on the new suburban utopia at 'Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream' @momapsi: #urbanism.
Exhibition Review: “Foreclosed” at MoMA
Of the grid and ghostowns

If you get a chance, visit the awesome Foreclosed exhibit at MoMA NY. Reimaginations of housing models in suburbs. …
Architects Fix Half-Built Inland Empire Subdivision for MoMA
Reality Check: Developers React to MoMA’s Show “Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream”

“Shifting Suburbia” brings visionary thinking down to earth. Not top-down, give people the design tools they need. …

Re-imagined areas devastated by housing crisis for MOMA << Brilliant use of a digital narrative
MoMA Rehouses the American Dream

Fascinated by Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream @MuseumModernArt Great work emerging on critical subject …Cool exhibit with work by architects, and planners, in NYC...

Nature buildings?? …

Foreclosed is MoMA's exhibition of proposed ideas to address the American housing problem …
Somehow the 'nature' in Nature City proposal for "Foreclosed" @momafeels not so relaxing. Nice models, though.
Somehow the 'nature' in Nature City proposal for "Foreclosed" @momafeels not so relaxing. Nice models, though.
Foreclosed: New Ideas of Suburbia at New York’s Museum of Modern Art

April 2, 2012, 1:30 p.m. - Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream: Lectures & Gallery Talks ... @aplusk@theonion

April 2, 2012, 1:30 p.m. - Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream

gr8 project by @studiogang: Closed factory dismantled & parts used to build combinable living spaces > #MoMAForeclosed

Art + Policy , makes me giddy! Foreclosed at

Just Received: "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream," the companion to the MoMA exhibition of the same name:
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream

5 fantastic US housing research and urban/suburban design proposals …

Change the dream and you change the city. MoMA | Foreclosed | The Buell Hypothesis | via @SpaceSyntaxGirl-
Foreclosed: MoMA Exhibition Re-Thinks Suburban American Life
Foreclosure by Design
The Art of Foreclosure?

Siza's winery, a review of Foreclosed at MoMA, April diary and Founded's rethink of the Dulux paint tin: all on now
An Atomized, Desegregated, Poorly Engineered Commodity

.@baruch,@huffpostny,A Must See: Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, MoMA, …

April 15, 2012, 11:30 a.m. - Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream
The Art of Remaking a Downtown
Cities in Crisis: Rehousing the American Dream

.@MoMA,@baruch,@huffpostny,Solutions to the Housing Crisis: Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, MoMA, …
Exhibition/Site Review – Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream – February 15–August 13, 2012 at the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Foreclosed: Rebuilding the American Dream

Amazing work by @Workac& others at Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at
Simultaneous City Temple Terrace

Foreclosed exhibit @ MoMA - Museum of Modern Art

An exhibit I saw at MoMA. Very interesting and impressive architectural project. :) Foreclosed at

innovative approaches to re-designing suburbs sustainably - exhibition at MOMA …@MGCY_UNCSD#sustainability
The End of the Dream

MoMA| Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream.

MOMA Exhibition. Foreclosed. Rehousing the American Dream. MOS’s Thoughts on a Walking City pr …

foreclosed: rehousing the american dream @ Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
Pretty Little Pictures
MOMA’s “Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream” Exhibition
Change the Dream
Rebuilding the American Dream
This Proposal for Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at MoMA Uses the Streets of Older Neighborhoods Well Served by Public Transit as Development Opportunities

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at

Checking out: "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" (@ Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) w/ 24 others) [pic]:

Foreclosed at moma. Interesting
Art as Life: “Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream”
Foreclosed: Re-housing the American Dream
MoMA Widens the Gap … Again

Aft'noon @Foreclosed, v. thoughtful show on alternative suburban living by @columbiaunivarchitect Prof. Martin

Modern Art: : Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream: Febru... - Robert Lyn Nelson

#Keizer#Oregonfeatured in amazing @MuseumModernArt#sustainable#housingexhibit featuring @WiedenKennedy

Redesigning suburbia in exhibition Foreclosed at …#d#suburbia#urbanculture
Planning for a Different American Dream
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream

Amazing exhibit on redefining our suburbias but changing the 'America Dream'. Worth seeing if you're able …#MOMA

My favorite was Garden City. public pool is warmed by the heat radiated from the methane composting site underneath it! …

Nature City: city-living in nature. Impossible? …#innovation#greenliving#citylife

Love that this vision of a future city is basically a remix of classic townhouse design. Lets focus on reuse/repurpose. …

Super interesting exposition at MoMa. Forclosed: Rehousing the American Dream. Revitalizing suburbia in the US …

Amale Andraos and Dan Wood of WORKac asked, "What if we could live sustainably and close to nature?">>> Nature-City. …
Memorial Day at MoMA

New blog posting, Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at MoMa -
Ideas of Home at UCSD and MOMA. Foreclosing on the Familiar
MoMA Exhibit Proposes Big-City Solutions for Vulnerable Suburban Landscapes
Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream

"In the summer of 2011, New York's Museum of Modern Art invited five teams of architects, planners, ecologists,...

Closing down Foreclosed #Suburbstake on MoMA #architecture(@ Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) w/ 7 others) [pic]:
Closing down Foreclosed #Suburbstake on MoMA #architecture(@ Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) w/ 7 others) [pic]:

The "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" exhibit at @MuseumModernArtis worth checking out.

Interesting for me to read that Rodney King apparently lived & died in Rialto, CA. …Has anyone picked up on that story?

Check out MoMa's "Foreclosed" project! Five teams of architects, ecologists, city planners put together visions...

note to self: …#urbanplanning

@schuschnyTHE BUELL HYPOTHESIS, Rehousing the american Dream …#vivirencomunidad

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at

Brilliant: Go see Foreclosed exhibit @MuseumModernArtCan US remake suburbs post-crash? Architects tackle 5 communities … …Saw this exhibit on Friday...just wow. This will change the world.
The Housing Question

Totally going to see this exhibit at @museummodernartwhen I am in NYC: Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream …

On Places, a debate inspired by the MoMA exhibition Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream, organized by the B...

Have folks seen the foreclosure exhibit at the MOMA-Rehousing the American Dream? Please check it out....

RT @ourcityforeclosure exhibit at the MOMA-Rehousing the American Dream Please check it out << wish I cld see this ...
Further Discussion of MoMa’s “Foreclosure” Exhibit
The Future of Urban and Suburban Spaces: Redesigning the Suburbs after the Foreclosure Crisis

@jaredhechtDid you see the Foreclosed exhibit at MOMA? Really cool stuff related to that shift.

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream @ Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)
At MOMA, Tinkering with the Machinery Underneath the House

“Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream” at the Museum of Modern Art …

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream: Lectures & Gallery Talks ... @aplusk@theonion

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream

#MoMA#NYC#manhattan#models#ecodesign#architecture#foreclosed:r @
New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA)

One of the most interesting museum exhibits I've ever seen: Foreclosed at @MuseumModernArt

@VisionVancouver@greenestcityMaking silk purses out of sows' ears? MOMA, "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" …

MoMA Foreclosed - - great exhibit! - #cplan#design#architecture#housing#sustainability

I attended this exhibition - some innovative ideas for delivering infrastructure and financing housing projects....... …
Foreclosed: An Urbanist Reflects on Nature-City
Foreclosure Crisis Spurs Quest To Reinvigorate Suburbs

Check Out Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at MoMA

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream at MoMA
Art (Not) Imitating Life: MoMA Hosts Foreclosure-themed Exhibit

MOMA's Foreclosed, a thematic exhibition on new models of housing in response to mortgage crisis, closes soon:

MoMA | Foreclosed

Need a break from the Olympics? Only 2 days left to see @MuseumModernArt's Foreclosed exhibit.

Foreclosed at
MOMA Show Looks at New Ways to House America
The American Dream
Living, Reimagined

From the Museum of Modern Art in New York's exhibition on Foreclosure...

From the Museum of Modern Art in New York's exhibition on Foreclosure...

From the "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" exhibit. #MoMA@MuseumModernArt

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream February 15–August 13, 2012:...

@rachelsloerts Thinking of you at the #MoMAexhibit,

@rachelsloerts Thinking of you at the #MoMAexhibit,
MoMA Takes on the Foreclosure Crisis (and the American Dream)

'Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream' explores new architectural possibilities for cities and suburbs #MOMA …
Foreclosed: Re-examining Possibilities

'Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream' featuring #GrahamGrantee#AndrewZagocloses 8/13. Go now! @MuseumModernArt

closing this Monday at MoMA: "Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream" (FREE w/ valid CUNY ID!)

A #NYCmust see…“@MuseumModernArt: Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream: || Exhibition site: ”

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream closes Monday, 8/13! More info: || Exhibition site:

MT @MuseumModernArtForeclosed: Rehousing the American Dream closes Monday, 8/13! Exhibition site:

A #NYCmust see…“@MuseumModernArt: Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream: || Exhibition site: ”
MoMA on Foreclosure in America

A quick note that we'll be open tomorrow (we're usually closed on Tuesdays) & every Tuesday through September 25!

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream: Lectures & Gallery Tal... @aplusk@theonion

Foreclosed: Rehousing the American Dream

Next on my reading list: The Buell Hypothesis: #endofsuburbia