Material here is also printed as a limited edition publication entitled Comments on Foreclosed, which will be made available in architectural libraries across the country. This archive is part of a series of ongoing efforts on behalf of the Buell Center to ignite a new and different conversation about the future of American housing, suburbs and cities. For more information consult
Comments on Foreclosed is a collaboration between Columbia’s Buell Center, the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation’s Cloud Communications Group, and MTWTF.
Buell Center: Reinhold Martin, Leah Meisterlin, Anna Kenoff, Meredith Baber, Jacob Moore
Buell Project Team: Lluis Alexandre Casanovas Blanco, Ania Calderon, Blair Dargusch, Nicole Kotsis, Ricardo Leon, Sigmund Lerner, Victoria Bugge Øye
GSAPP Cloud Communications Group: Leigha Dennis, Troy Conrad Therrien
MTWTF: Glen Cummings, Kate Dewitt, Aliza Dzik, Pedro Gonçalves, Jenna Kaminsky